The modern era developed new styles of massage, each with different origins, aims and backgrounds in order to relax, revive, heal and improve well-being by using hands-in movements and manipulation of soft tissues and muscles in the body.
Nowadays, massage therapy is no longer thought of as a luxury, available for those who are wealthy but it became available for anyone, whether for relaxation purposes, for sports recovery or pain relief.
It is considered to be part of complementary and integrative medicine for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. Some research showed that the massage benefits vary from relaxation, healing and reviving the body to helping with anxiety, headaches and even digestive disorders:
Reduce high Blood pressure
Treats back pain and injuries
Helps arthritis pain by relaxing the place
Muscle rehab
Reduces chronic pain
Relieves stress, anxiety and depression
Increase joint mobility
Makes the inner mood change in positive way
Motivate in a good way your lifestyle